10 Top Camera Phone Photography Tips - Here are ten tips to help you improve your phone photography skills.
Posted: 27th January 2012
Mobile phone cameras are now capable of producing shots which even the most critical photographer will say are decent and well worth displaying in portfolios. Then when you couple this improved technology with the hundreds of apps that are available which are designed to help you be more creative and take better photos, it's easy to see why there's a growing admiration for this form of photography.

As most people now carry a phone in their pocket that has a camera built in we thought we'd put a list of ten tips together to help you improve your shots taken with cameras built in to mobile phones.
Think of it as a camera
Holding your phone in one hand and trying to press the shutter button will only result in blurry, wonky shots. Holding your phone with two hands quite close to your body will mean your phone is much more stable and as a result, your images will be better.Stay still
Having your arms tucked close to your sides and standing as still as possible will stop any blur caused by movement from spoiling your shot. Don't move your phone away as soon as you've clicked your shutter button either as shutter lag can mean your camera's still processing the shot so you'll end up with a blurry photo of another part of the scene rather than the person or object you want a photo of.Read more:
10 Top Tips For Taking Better Photos With Camera Phones
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