Monday 21 October 2013

Tips for Using Patterns in Photography

Tips for Using Patterns in Photography

Link to PictureCorrect Photography Tips

Tips for Using Patterns in Photography

Posted: 20 Oct 2013 04:51 PM PDT

Patterns are basically just repeated shapes, objects or colors either ordered in precise formations or just random designs scattered across a scene. The important thing about patterns is that they create images that are very pleasing to the eye and add a new dimension to your photos.

patterns in photography

“tuscan magic” captured by David Hobcote (Click Image to See More From David Hobcote)

Patterns can be found everywhere in our world, from natural forms to our urban and industrial environments. Use them effectively in an image and you’ll create a photo that is dynamic and attracts the eye to the main subject or focal point. It will help you learn digital photography in interesting ways.

There are two ways to look at patterns. Take a bird’s eye view and look down on say a car park where you’ll see predictable rows of vehicles. Then the other way is to get in closer and look for not so obvious patterns like tire treads and grill patterns. If you really want to be successful in shooting a pattern make sure that you fill the whole frame so that the pattern extends form edge to edge.

So what are the most effective ways to use patterns in your photography? Here are a few ways.

1. Regular patterns

These are easily identifiable and make really outstanding images especially when there is a lot of color involved. Rows and rows of soldiers in red jackets make up a really great pattern formation. Be sure to try different angles and viewpoints to get more interesting shots. Regular patterns are made up of ordered rows of geometric designs or other objects of the same shape and size. Office blocks made up of rows of windows, rows of trees in an orchard or even a honeycomb.

2. Irregular patterns

These form an interesting image just by the irregular nature of the pattern. Objects that are randomly placed in a scene but fairly close together still reveal a sense of repetition. For example, a sky full of parachutists with colored parachutes above them or the leaves on a tree or even a forest floor with a carpet of leaves or acorns. None of these have regular patterns but they are still identified as patterns. Again by filling the frame edge to edge you will emphasize the actual pattern and contain it with great effect.

3. Multiple patterns

This is an interesting one and you’ll often see it in a wall of say an ancient building where different additions have been made. The regular pattern goes in one direction and changes as a new addition of bricks or tiles has been added hundreds of years later.

patterns photo

“Perspective 17″ captured by Junsjazz (Click Image to See More From Junsjazz)

Brick paving leading up to a tiled wall will reveal a contrast between two types of patterns. Sometimes you’ll see this with the old and new as in a stone wall with a corrugated metal structure behind it.

4. Breaking the pattern

Picture this. A tray of thirty eggs all uniform in color and size with just one egg that has been broken revealing the bright yellow yolk. The uniformity of pattern is interrupted by the single broken egg. This doesn’t weaken the patterned effect as you would think but strengthens the overall image quite dramatically. These are created pattern breaks, but, by looking for them occurring natural is the challenge. For example, the field of red tulips in a Dutch field with just one yellow flower growing in the middle, or, a row of cars at factory storage facility with one color breaking the pattern. A fun experiment is creating your own pattern breaks with shells on the beach or acorns in a forest. You don’t have to have an object that is different to the rest. I shot a great image of a tiny shoot of a baby pine tree pushing its way through a carpet of brown pine needles. The green shoot contrasted against the brown needles and made an outstanding image.

photos with patterns

“Shadows” captured by Ian Clark (Click Image to See More From Ian Clark)

As you learn digital photography, the idea of using patterns creates an opportunity for seeing with your photographic eye. Look for patterns within patterns as with the car park I mentioned earlier. Taking the time to see is vital when trying to create a great image. You will often find that in getting closer and looking for detail you’ll often spot a unique pattern opportunity.

About the Author:
Wayne Turner has been teaching photography for 25 years and has written three books on photography. He has produced 21 Steps to Perfect Photos; a program of learner-based training using outcomes based education.

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Article from: PictureCorrect Photography Tips

Interesting Photo of the Day: Charging Rhino in Mid Flight

Posted: 20 Oct 2013 02:19 PM PDT

It can be incredibly scary to be on the approaching end of an angry animal, especially when said animal is a rhino, which is widely regarded as one of the most dangerous animals on the planet. To capture a photograph of a charging rhino not only takes photographic skills, but also a heaping does of courage. Just ask photographer, Justus Vermaak, a South African resident who was able to capture this amazing photograph:

Rhino in Full Charge (Via Imgur, Click for Larger Size)

The photo was taken in Bella Bella, Limpopo, South Africa, a part of the world in which the rhinos are native to. The pictured rhino is a white rhino, the second largest land mammal behind the elephant. A white rhino reaches heights of around six foot and often weigh over two tons. While the black rhino is the more aggressive of the rhino types, the white rhinos are larger in size, are also very territorial, and use their impressive size to protect it by charging at what is threatening them. It is assumed Vermaak used a pretty long lens to get this amazing shot, but, even so, the amount of bravery he had to muster up to get the shot is applaudable.

Go to full article: Interesting Photo of the Day: Charging Rhino in Mid Flight

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Article from: PictureCorrect Photography Tips

Behind the Scenes of a Timelapse Photography Project in Bangkok, Thailand (Video)

Posted: 20 Oct 2013 12:38 PM PDT

Timelapses are pretty straightforward. It's not rocket science shooting pictures at set intervals and combining them on the computer afterwards, but it's a whole new ball game making them unique and visually appealing. In some cases, the view isn't enough to make the sequences; you need something else, something interesting that will bring the footage to life. Enter these people covered in neon lights and see how they make all the difference:

The behind-the-scenes video shows a little bit of the hours of hard work that goes into such projects. To make segments more interesting, the team was inspired by the Light Emitting Dudes project a few months ago.

"Light Emitting Dudes takes a team of freerunners, geared up from head to toe with LED lights, and sets them loose on the streets of Bangkok at night. With acrobatic grace, they carved up the already buzzing nightlife spots while adding their own flair and colour to the mix."

woman surrounded by light trails
light trails timelapse
timelapse behind the scenes

Equipment used in this project:

Go to full article: Behind the Scenes of a Timelapse Photography Project in Bangkok, Thailand (Video)

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Article from: PictureCorrect Photography Tips

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