Saturday 25 January 2014

Feed your spirit of adventure and quest for knowledge

Make a difference for the planet
You can participate in the great discoveries of modern-day explorers.
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Who will be the next Jane Goodall?
Dear Friend of National Geographic,

What do Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Robert E. Peary, Jane Goodall, and Louis Leakey all have in common? Their pioneering work was made possible by someone like you.

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Summitting Mount EverestIndividuals like you – with a spirit of adventure and a thirst for knowledge – drive our science-based exploration, conservation, and education programs.

In fact, 33 individuals came together in Washington, D.C. in 1888 and founded the National Geographic Society to promote scientific discovery in order to improve our world.

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For more than 125 years, forward-thinking individuals like you have been behind the scientists and explorers who have reached the North Pole, explored the deepest depths of the ocean, discovered the hominid fossils in the Turkana Basin, studied chimpanzees in the forests of Gombe, and ventured to thousands of places and examined countless things in between.

Learn more about how you can make a difference and be a part of the greatest discoveries of our time.

Make 2014 the year you make a difference for the planet.


Sarah StallingsSarah

Sarah Festa Stallings
Director, Annual Giving

Margaret Mead quote
Photos: Jane Goodall by Hugo van Lawick; Mount Everest by Barry Bishop

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